
What is Living History Weavings?

Living History Weavings is a 5th and 6th grade history and geography curriculum that follows Living History Threads. In each year of Weavings students focus on three world regions, studying history, geography, culture, and the story of Christianity in each region. Students also read two biographies each year. Living History Weavings introduces students to people from around the globe and teaches key skills for reading history in the process.

Living History Weavings consists of two levels, each providing material for a full year of study. Level 5|6 is completed and available for purchase now, while Level 6|5 is still under development and will not be available for several years.

What makes Weavings unique?

Living History Weavings is unique in its focus on non-Western regions of the world. This reflects the realities of our world and the values we hope to develop in students.

  • The realities:
    •  More people live in the regions taught in Weavings than live in the Western world. Students should learn the story of these people who influence the world and the church.
    • In an interconnected world, our students will likely develop global relationships in their neighborhoods and through travel, business, and missions. Knowledge of others helps break down barriers.
    • The task of making disciples of all nations, and the fact that many unreached people are in the regions students will be studying make this content strategic.
  • The values:
    •  We desire to develop students as people who see their citizenship in God’s Kingdom as primary before their citizenship in an earthly nation. Studying these world regions reinforces the transnational focus we want to foster.
    • We seek to grow in students the character of Christ, who  understood people’s needs and had compassion on them. Studying
      people different from themselves helps students develop  appreciation for other people and cultures.

Other distinctive characteristics of Weavings

  1. PortfolioEach unit is built around a portfolio in which students interact with lesson materials.
  2. Living books and stories are an important form of content. Students read and hear informative and formative stories (stories that build values consistent with the Christian worldview).
  3. Multiple strands of contentEach level covers history, geography, culture, missions, and church history.
  4. Key content guides learning by providing clearly defined knowledge for mastery.
  5. Critical thinkingStudents discuss questions of cause and effect, change over time, culture, and Christian responsibility.
  6. Unit projectEach unit incorporates a project which broadens or deepens student learning.
  7. Picture-rich content provided through PowerPoint slides engages students and deepens understanding.
  8. Map and timeline activities orient the learning experience in place and time.
  9. Church history, including Anabaptist history, receives emphasis.
  10. Primary documents develop historical analysis and enrich student learning.
  11. Multi-grade classrooms ready and serves various learning styles.
  12. Biographical contentTwo biographies/memoirs each year give the students a deeper exposure to people, time periods, and geographical regions. 

How does Living History Weavings compare to Living History Threads?

For those schools using Living History Threads, we want to note that the form of instruction will shift considerably as your students transition into Living History Weavings.  Instead of instruction happening primarily through read-aloud, students will now be learning through a more full-orbed approach including student-read books, direct instruction, atlas work, and projects.  Distinctive characteristics of Living History Weavings include:

    • Portfolios – each unit (units are generally one quarter of a school year) is anchored by a portfolio in which students interact with and keep course materials
    • Unit projects – each unit incorporates a project that broadens or deepens student learning
    • Picture-rich content provided through PowerPoint slides
    • Significant map and timeline activities including reading charts and maps for information

To be clear – due to the age of the students and their need to develop skills, Living History Weavings will “look” and “teach” in a distinctly different way than Living History Threads.  We are excited about how this will grow students. In addition, we believe by this stage students are ready for a shift from mostly read-aloud to a more immersive learning experience.

Informational videos

1. How Is living history Weavings Unique?

2. What Types of Learning Will I Be offering my students?

Additional information

PowerPoint slides are an essential component of content delivery in Weavings, so a projector or large screen monitor are required.

For a brief overview of Weavings to print and share with others, click here.

For a detailed explanation of Weavings’  features, philosophy, and teaching methodology, click here.


For your initial order, please use the order form provided when you click the button below.

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Living History Weavings, Level 6|5 is projected for completion in several years.


Contact us by email or by phone (877-222-4769).

Living History Weavings is published by Faith Builders Resource Group, a division of Faith Builders Educational Programs, Inc.