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Abolition of Man, The

"The Abolition of Man" remains one of Lewis's most prophetic works as social relativism has been uncritically adopted by modern thought--in religion, education, and government--opening the door to the post-modern claim that people are free to create their own reality through a sheer act of the will.

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Doctrine of Humanity
Theology & Worldviews

The vibrant and persuasive arguments of C. S. Lewis brought about a shift in the discipline of apologetics, moving the conversation from the ivory tower to the public square. The resulting strain of popular apologetics--which weaves through Lewis into twentieth-century writers like Francis Schaeffer and modern apologists like William Lane…

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Theology & Worldviews
Body Politics: Five Practices of the Christian Community Before the Watching World
Yoder, John Howard

Binding and loosing, baptism, eucharist, multiplicity of gifts, and open meeting. Yoder uncovers the original meaning of the five practices and shows why the recovery of these practices is so important for the social, economic, and political witness of the church today. 90 pages.

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Strobel, Lee

Using the dramatic scenario of an investigative journalist pursuing his story and leads, Lee Strobel uses his experience as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune to interview experts about the evidence for Christ from the fields of science, philosophy, and history. Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and twice…

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Change of Allegiance

What should a Christian do with Jesus' words "love your enemies"? Is it all right for a Christian to go to war? Doesn't a Christian have an obligation to defend his country?
Dean Taylor and his wife Tania were both in the U. S. Army when they realized…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Chris Chrisman Goes to College-0

Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith -- both intellectual and personal -- almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men…

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Theology & Worldviews
Christian Mind, The
Blamires, Harry

Arguing that distinctively Christian reasoning has been swept away by secular modes of thought and politically correct assumptions, Blamires calls for the recovery of the authentically Christian mind. This edition contains a study guide. Paper. 191 pp.

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Christian Theology Reader
McGrath, Alister

Regarded as the leading text in Christian theology for the last 25 years, Alister E. McGrath’s The Christian Theology Reader is now available in a new 5th edition featuring completely revised and updated content.

Brings together more than 350 readings from over 200 sources that chart 2,000 years of Christian history
Situates each…

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Theology & Worldviews
City of God
Saint Augustine

No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than Augustine's The City of God. And since medieval Europe was the cradle of modern Western society, this work is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being. 551 pages.

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Theology & Worldviews
Saint Augustine

Confessions is an autobiographical work by Saint Augustine of Hippo, consisting of thirteen books written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity.

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Theology & Worldviews
Desiring the Kingdom
Smith, James K. A.

Philosopher James K. A. Smith reshapes the very project of Christian education in "Desiring the Kingdom." The first of three volumes that will ultimately provide a comprehensive theology of culture, "Desiring the Kingdom" focuses education around the themes of liturgy, formation, and desire. Smith's ultimate purpose is to re-vision…

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Doctrine of Humanity
Theology & Worldviews
Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers

Interest in the ways of the early church has never been more intense. What did early Christians believe about the divinity of Christ? What were the beliefs of those who sat at the feet of Jesus disciples? Now, for the first time, a unique dictionary has been developed to allow…

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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrines of the Bible: A Brief Discussion of the Teachings of God's Word
Kauffman, Daniel

Edited by Daniel Kauffman, this book includes discussions on the Trinity, man, his redeemed state, death, angels, Satan, and marriage, with numerous Scripture references. 640 pages.

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Theology & Worldviews
Evangelical Truth
Stott, John R. W.

Here is a statement from one of evangelicalism's foremost spokesmen that boldly places the trinitarian gospel at the center of faith. Here is an exquisite crystallization of essential beliefs about revelation, the cross and the work of the Spirit. Recognizing that how we live this truth is as important…

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Theology & Worldviews
Everlasting Man, The
Chesterton, G. K.

Chesterton's concise classic history of humanity, Christ and Christianity, which was instrumental in C. S. Lewis' conversion to Christianity. (Unabridged, with appendices.)

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Doctrine of Humanity
Theology & Worldviews
Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet

While everyone is delighted by beauty, and the more alive among us are positively fascinated by it, few are explicitly aware that we can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity. Dubay explores the reasons why all of the most eminent physicists of the twentieth century agree that beauty is…

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Art and Beauty
Theology & Worldviews
Four Loves, The
Lewis, C. S.

Here Lewis describes the four basic kinds of human love--affection, friendship, erotic love and the love of God. There are risks that accompany the rewards of love, the author cautions, but he recommends taking them, since hell is the only place outside heaven where we can be safe from the…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics
Lewis, C. S.

God in the Dock contains forty-eight essays and twelve letters written by Lewis between 1940 and 1963. Ranging from popular newspaper pieces to learned defenses of the faith, these essays cover topics as varied as the logic of theism, good and evil, miracles, vivisection, the role of women in church polity and…

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Theology & Worldviews
Great Divorce, The
Lewis, C. S.

The narrator boards a bus on a drizzly English afternoon and embarks on an incredible voyage through Heaven and Hell. He meets a host of supernatural beings far removed from his expectations, and comes to some significant conclusions about good and evil.

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How Should We Then Live?
Schaeffer, Francis A.

Schaeffer explains his world view in terms of a divinely inspired Bible, it's truths, and why they are true. There's more, too. Even for the skeptic, this book provides an excellent background (used as supporting evidence) in Western culture, arts, philosophy, music, and architecture from the Roman Empire…

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How to Stay Christian in College-0

Warning: College can be hazardous to your spiritual health. When you go to college, you're leaving behind your network of support and heading to a world with different perspectives, responsibilities, and expectations. Even if you're going to a "Christian" college, there's no guarantee you won't face…

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Smith, James K. A.

How does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith's three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring…

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Doctrine of Humanity
Theology & Worldviews
Journey Into God
John Coblentz

Journey into God is a field guide, helping us to understand what we are seeing and experiencing as we walk through life. John does not ignore the questions, the difficulties, or the confusing aspects of coming to know God; he helps us see them as opportunities to go deeper and…

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Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
John Coblentz

Word of God. True Vine. Son of Man. Rabbi. High Priest. King of kings. Alpha and Omega. Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We've read these names of Jesus in Scripture, but what do they mean? And what do they mean for us?

This devotional study begins where John…

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Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
Journey: A Spiritual Roadmap for Modern Pilgrims
Kreeft, Peter

Open this book and begin an epic human journey--the journey toward truth. Enjoy a delightful and imaginative allegory of timeless wisdom as you travel along the road of true knowledge. Socrates, the thoroughly reasonable and wise philosopher of Athens, will accompany you much of the way. With sharp questions and…

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King Jesus Claims His Church-0

Many people today say, "I'm spiritual, but not religious." Such language veils a hunger for God but a distaste for the church. Even in the church, Christians are asking, "Is this what church is supposed to be?" Many Christians sense deep down that there is supposed to be something…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Knowledge of the Holy

What is the nature of God? How can we recapture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit? This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate…

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Theology & Worldviews
Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine-0

What must a person believe to be a Christian? Dorothy Sayers lays out age-old doctrines without prettying-up or watering-down. She brings them vividly to life by showing how the Bible, history, literature, and modern science fit together to make religion not only possible but necessary in our time. So whether…

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Theology & Worldviews
Love and Nonresistance
Coblentz, John

Wounds and injustice, whether deeply painful or only annoying, stir in humans a dark urge to retaliate. Jesus Christ was an exception. And Jesus called His disciples to follow Him on a higher way. His teachings are simple, arresting, and challenging. The Teacher intended that they be taken seriously ... and…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies

Drawing on biblical wisdom as well as personal experience, George helps women handle their emotions and discover inner peace that comes from focusing on what is true.

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Making Choices
Kreeft, Peter

This book clears a straight road through the thorny jungles of skewed modern thinking about the way to live, and does do with the easy brilliance, impish insight, and searching simplicity that have become Peter Kreeft's special trademarks.

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Mind of the Maker, The
Sayers, Dorothy L.

This classic, with a new introduction by Madeleine L'Engle, is by turns an entrancing meditation on language; a piercing commentary on the nature of art and why so much of what we read, hear, and see falls short; and a brilliant examination of the fundamental tenets of Christianity. The…

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Theology & Worldviews
Mind on Fire: A Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent
Pascal, Blaise

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) earned recognition as a renowned mathematician, physicist--and a man after God's heart. As he came to the forefront of geometry and physics, he turned his considerable analytical abilities to study religion or, as he said, to "contemplate the greatness and the misery of man." Pascal's…

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Lewis, C. S.

Lewis trains his impeccable logic on the question of miracles, setting up a philosophical framework for the proposition that supernatural events can happen in this world. Focusing on the possibility of miracles in general, Lewis builds a solid and compelling argument for the acceptance of divine intervention.

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Moral Quest: Foundations of Christian Ethics
Grenz, Stanley J.

Voted one of Christianity Today's 1998 Books of the Year! What is ethics? Why should Christians care? Beginning with these basic questions, Stanley Grenz masterfully leads his readers into a theological engagement with moral inquiry. In The Moral Quest he sets forth the basics of ethics, considers the role and…

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Mosaic of Thought: The Power of Comprehension Strategy Instruction
Keene, Ellin and Zimmerman, Susan

Mosaic of Thought proposes a new instructional paradigm focused on in-depth instruction in the strategies used by proficient readers. The authors take us beyond the traditional classroom into literature-based, workshop-oriented classrooms. Through vivid portraits of these remarkable environments, we see how instruction looks in dynamic, literature-rich reader's workshops. As…

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Theology & Worldviews
Nevertheless: The Varieties and Shortcomings of Religious Pacifism
Yoder, John Howard

John Howard Yoder's classic book first published in 1971, includes a treatment of Jewish pacifism, bibliographies, an index, and three new appendixes: Speaking Truth to Power, Quaker Political Witness; The Spectrum of Nonpacifist Postures; and Nonviolent National Defense Alternatives. Yoder points out assumptions, strengths, and shortcomings of each pacifist position…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Chesterton, G. K.

The Orthodox Church in America has several million adherents, but little is known of its teaching or other distinctive features. This pithy work provides a short history of the Church, followed by a comparison of the points of difference in belief and practice between the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant…

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Theology & Worldviews

Second edition, updated and revised with study questions.

We live in a world wracked with violence and hatred. Does that mean that every act of violence must be met with an equal or greater counterblow?

Stephen Russell asserts that the biblical message calls for forgiveness and reconciliation in place of…

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Anabaptist History & Thought
Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Philosophy of Jesus, The

The four great philosophical questions, Kreeft says, are What is real? How can we know what is real? Who are we? and How should we live? They motivate the philosophical disciplines of metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, and ethics, and from a Christian perspective, the answer to all four is Jesus…

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Proper Confidence: Faith, Doubt, and Certainty in Christian Discipleship

Looking to end the divisive conflict that has raged between Christians who attack each other either as "liberals" or as "fundamentalists", Newbigin gives a historical account of the roots of this conflict in order to begin laying the foundation for a middle ground that will benefit the Christian faith as…

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Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life
Nicholi, Armand M., Jr.

Throughout the ages, many of the world's greatest thinkers have wrestled with the concept of -- and belief in -- God. It may seem unlikely that any new arguments or insights could be raised, but the twentieth century managed to produce two brilliant men with two diametrically opposed views…

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Redemption Realized Through Christ

When man fell into sin in the Garden of Eden, God had a plan ready to redeem him. Because of His love for man, God sent Jesus Christ, His Son, to give His life on the cross to make grace available for all who would receive it. The grace of…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism: A Primer for Suspicious Protestants
Williams, Daniel H.

A learned and uniquely constructive book that gently urges "suspicious" Christians to reclaim the patristic roots of their faith. Written to help Protestant Christians recognize the early church fathers as an essential part of their faith, this book is addressed primarily to the evangelical, independent, and free church communities, who…

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Theology & Worldviews
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield

"Rosaria, by the standards of many, was living a very good life. She had a tenured position at a large university in a field for which she cared deeply. She owned two homes with her partner, in which they provided hospitality to students and activists that were looking to make…

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Christian Living
Missions & Service
Theology & Worldviews
Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform

In this panoramic work of historical theology, Olson vividly recounts the deeds and words of the major Christian theologians from antiquity through the Reformation and right up to today. Through it all Olson detects a common thread--concern for salvation, God's redemptive activity in forgiving and transforming sinful human beings. 613…

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Theology & Worldviews

For more than forty years, The Universe Next Door has set the standard for a clear, readable introduction to worldviews. Using his widely influential model of eight basic worldview questions, James Sire examines prominent worldviews that have shaped the Western world:

Eastern monism

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Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View
Walsh, Brian J.

Science, technology and economic growth motivate our society. Each is carried on with little regard for Christian concerns. This book points to the need for the Christian vision to transform the world. 186 pp.

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Truth or Consequences: The Promise & Perils of Postmodernism
Erikson, Millard J.

A 2002 Christianity Today Book of the Year! Postmodernism. The term slowly filtered into our vocabularies about three decades ago and now permeates most discussions of the humanities. Those who tout the promises and perils of this twentieth-century intellectual movement have filled many a bookshelf. And in a previous book, Post-modernizing…

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Guy F. Hershberger

Guy Hershberger made a significant contribution to the development of peace theology in the (Old) Mennonite Church. Perhaps the greatest service of this book is to explain clearly the centuries-old doctrine of nonresistance as understood by Mennonites in the mid-1900s.

Although nonresistance was held as a doctrine since the…

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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
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