This powerful novel tells the story of a child born in 1933 into the turbulent world of the Balkans and traces his life into the third millennium. The central character, Josip Lasta, is the son of an impoverished school teacher in a remote village high in the mountains of the Croatian interior. World War II is underway and the entire region of Yugoslavia is torn by conflicting factions: German and Italian occupying armies, and the rebel forces that resist them – the fascist Ustashe, Serb nationalist Chetniks and Communist Partisans. As events gather momentum, hell breaks loose, and the young and the innocent are caught in the path of great evils. Their only remaining strength is their religious faith and their families.
This gripping story cuts to the core question: how does a person retain his identity, indeed his humanity, in absolutely dehumanizing situations? Ultimately it is about the crucifixion of a soul – and about resurrection.
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