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Chris Chrisman Goes to College-0
Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith -- both intellectual and personal -- almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men…
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Theology & Worldviews
Christ is Full of Love and Power
Subtitled "The Background, Life, and Legacy of Christian Burkholder (1746-1809)," this is a definitive, illustrated, and narrative history of the first resident Mennonite bishop in northern Lancaster Co., Pa. Christian Burkholder's life and legacy has left an indelible mark on the Mennonite Church and his descendants. His writings are presented…
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Anabaptist History & Thought
Christian Family Living-0
Christian Family Living breathes the air of home life - noise of children, rush of schedule, unexpected humor, family meals, catastrophes big and little, expectant mothers, worship, faith, heartache. Christian Family Living is for fathers who want to lead their family in the way of truth. It is for mothers who…
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Christian Living
Christian Hymnal
Church of God in Christ…
A collection of hymns and sacred songs suitable for use in public worship, worship in the home, evangelistic meetings, and general occasions.
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Christian Mission in the Modern World
Stott, John and Wright, Christopher…
In recent years, the mission of the church has been defined in two almost exclusive ways. On the one hand are those who say the church must focus on evangelism and discipleship alone. On the other hand are those who advocate concentrating almost solely on societal reform. In this classic…
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Christian Living
Missions & Service
Christian Theology
While many systematic theological texts are shaped by academic discussion of ancient thought and/or modern philosophies, Finger centers on the kerygma of the biblical text: that the "last things," or "eschatological" events expected at history's climax had already occurred through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, though they were not yet…
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Theology & Worldviews
Christian's Hope
Stutzman, Ervin R.
When Christian Hochstetler returns to the Amish after seven years in captivity, he finds that many things have shifted. Captured as a child during the French and Indian War, Christian has spent much of his life among Native Americans, who cared for him and taught him their ways. Now that…
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Biography & History
Christianity and War
Brenneman, John M.
In a nation torn in two by the strife of the Civil War, there were some who dared to question whether Christians could possibly participate in the killing. In 1863, soon after the Battle of Gettysburg, John M. Brenneman wrote to explain Anabaptist convictions against participation in warfare. He began…
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Anabaptist History & Thought
Christians and the Art of Caring
Arnold, William V. and Fohl…
William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl describe Christian caring as a unique form of helping that finds special expression in the church. Daily, Christians have opportunities to extend care, whether it is to a bereaved colleague or a sick friend. In simple, clear language, the authors describe how important…
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Christian Living
Missions & Service
This study guide is a resource for churches, families, individuals, small groups, and schools. It is designed to highlight the issues raised by digital technology and enable us to make wise decisions. The approach is neither anti-technology nor pro (although we must not assume that technology is a neutral medium)…
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Media & Technology
Church History
Bruce Shelley's history of the church brings the story of global Christianity into the twenty-first century. For this fifth edition, Marshall Shelley assembled a team of historians, historical theologians, and editors to revise and update his father's classic text. The new edition adds important stories of the development of Christianity…
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Church History
Church History Vol 1
The history of the church is a history of real people - popes and priests, monks and martyrs, and many ordinary folks like us. All claimed to follow Christ, but not all had the same understanding of what it meant to be Christian. This history covers two types of church…
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Church History
Church History Vol 2
What happened to the church after the Reformation in the early 1500s? This book takes up the story near the end of the Reformation, where Volume 1, Church History: Resurrection to Reformation, ends. It follow the churches founded by Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and the Anabaptists and covers the resulting Catholic Counter-Reformation.
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Church History
Church Hymnal
Coffman, S. F.
S. F. Coffman edited this treasury of praise and song into 657 selected standard hymns. Complete set of indexes. Shaped notes.
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Church Matters
Miller, Gary
Disagreements and church splits can be disillusioning, both to those within our churches and to seekers. How can people with different views and gifts work together to achieve Jesus' vision of church unity "that the world may know"? In Church Matters, Gary Miller compares the current state of the church…
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Christian Living
Church & Community
City of God
Saint Augustine
No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than Augustine's The City of God. And since medieval Europe was the cradle of modern Western society, this work is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being. 551 pages.
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Theology & Worldviews
Singmaster, Elsie
Clouds of war rolled over the Cloister where the Martyrs Mirror was being printed. A knock was heard on the door. It was the soldiers, and they demanded that unbound copies of the Martyrs Mirror be handed over for the military to use as gun wadding. Would a book that…
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Children's Books
Picture Books
Clyde the Rebel
Martin, Rebecca
It is spring 1775, and the American Revolution has begun. How will the young Peter Miller handle the turmoil? Will he stand and be soldier for Christ, or will he give in to the taunts of his friends? A sequel to A Captain for Hans, The Brickmakers, and Follow Me.
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
Coals of Fire
Bauman, Elizabeth Hershberger
A children's classic since 1954, Coals of Fire offers seventeen true stories about returning love for hate, good for evil, taken from various cultures and time periods, that will challenge readers, regardless of their age. (All Ages) 128 pages.
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
Level 34 items
Level 43 items
Parin d'Aulaire, Edgar and Ingri
A life of the Genoese weaver's son who sought to prove the world is round, telling how he studied map-making in Portugal, waited long years for financial and material support from Isabella of Spain, and finally made four voyages to the New World.
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Children's Books
Early Reading
Comfort One Another
From the cotton fields of Egypt to a wealthy American home, then on to a thrift store and eventually back to Africa as part of a comforter for a needy family, this unique book tells the story of one piece of fabric that ultimately plays a part in spreading the…
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Children's Books
Early Reading
Picture Books
Derstine, Darryl
Vince Lewis was on the ladder to success. As an Air Force pilot, he had achieved all his childhood dreams. He had everything he ever wanted... but trouble was brewing. Committed is a gripping true story of repairing relationships, seeking God's will, and finding a higher purpose.
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Biography & History
Earley, Justin Whitmel
Habits form us more than we form them. The modern world is a machine of a thousand invisible habits, forming us into anxious, busy, and depressed people. We yearn for the freedom and peace of the gospel, but remain addicted to our technology, shackled by our screens, and exhausted by…
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Christian Living
Disciplines & Spiritual Formation
Communicating for Change
Whether you speak from the pulpit, podium, or the front of a classroom, you don’t need much more than blank stares and faraway looks to tell you you’re not connecting. Take heart before your audience takes leave! You can convey your message in the powerful, life-changing way it deserves to…
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Saint Augustine
Confessions is an autobiographical work by Saint Augustine of Hippo, consisting of thirteen books written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity.
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Theology & Worldviews
Confessions of Faith in the Anabaptist Tradition
The volume brings together early statements of belief from across the Radical Reformation. A representative collection of confessions produced by Anabaptist groups from 1527 to 1660. Included are confessions from the Swiss Brethren, the Marpeck circle, the Rhinelanders, and various Mennonite communities in the north. This collection attends to the earliest…
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Anabaptist History & Thought
Stanley, Paul D. and Clinton…
The fruit of over 40 combined years of experience, and research into the lives of more than 600 past and present leaders, Connecting will show you: How to find the right mentors, even when it seems none are available. How the three dynamics of successful mentoring can guarantee rewarding relationships. What…
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring
Contagious Disciple Making
Watson, David L. and Watsion…
It is hard to deny that today's world can seem apathetic toward Christians. Some may look down at their iPhones when we mention God, motion for the check when we bring up church, or casually change the subject when we talk about prayer. In a world full of people whose…
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Christian Living
Missions & Service
Contemplating God with the Great Tradition
Leading theologian Craig A. Carter presents the biblical and theological foundations of trinitarian classical theism.
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Theology & Worldviews
Conversation on Saving Faith
A translation, with revisions, of Christliches Gemueths-Gespraech by Gerhard Roosen (1612-1711), a prominent Mennonite bishop in northern Germany.
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Anabaptist History & Thought
Freeman, Don
Corduroy has been on the department store shelf for a long time. Yet as soon as Lisa sees him, she knows that he's the bear she's always wanted. Her mother, though, thinks he's a little shopworn-he's even missing a button! Still, Corduroy knows that with a bit of work, he…
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Children's Books
Picture Books
Corrie ten Boom
The story of Corrie ten Boom, a hero of the Holocaust.
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
Corrie ten Boom
If you like stories of adventure, courage and faith - here's one you won't forget. Corrie loved to help others, especially children with disabilities. But her happy lifestyle in Holland was shattered when she was sent to a Nazi concentration camp. There she suffered hardship and punishment but experienced God's…
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
The Cost of Discipleship
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
This book is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, and imbued with the spirit of Christian civic duty. 320 pages.
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Christian Living
The Courage of Sarah Noble
Sarah and her father leave their family to build a home in the wilderness of colonial America. When they finish, he goes away to bring the rest of the family, telling her that "to be afraid and to be brave is the best courage of all." "This story is one…
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
Creative Bible Teaching
Richards, Lawrence O.
Many of us teach the Bible in small groups, Sunday school, or home school classes. We study, prepare, and present material. But is our best good enough? Are we just sharing knowledge, or are we leading students into a growing relationship with God and His Word? In this newly revised edition…
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Bibles & Bible Study
Study Methods
Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too…
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Christian Living
Missions & Service
Crossing the Distance
Growing up in a Mennonite village in Russia, young Knals Plett became a man of sincerity and conviction - and stubbornness. When hidden bitterness drove him to commit a terrible deed, his stubborn will separated him from God, church, and family until he repented. An older and wiser Knals, now a…
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Biography & History
Crow Boy
Yashima, Taro
Chibi has been an outcast since that frightening first day of school when he hid under the schoolhouse. Afraid of the teacher and unable to make any friends, Chibi passes his free time alone - alone at study time, alone at playtime, always a 'forlorn little tag-along.' But when Mr…
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Children's Books
Picture Books
Cry, the Beloved Country
Cry, the Beloved Country is a novel by Alan Paton, published in 1948. American publisher Bennett Cerf remarked at that year's meeting of the American Booksellers Association that there had been "only three novels published since the first of the year that were worth reading."
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CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible
Christian Standard Bible Ancient Faith Study Bible in Navy Leathertouch cover
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Bibles & Bible Study
Curious George
Rey, H. A.
Curious George is a sweet African monkey who can't help but run into trouble. George's friend, "The Man in the Yellow Hat," tries very hard to care for George and is always saving the day. The show's themes are about learning, forgiveness and playful curiosity.
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Children's Books
Picture Books
Danny the Workhorse
Danny was big, and strong, and gentle, but he had a problem. Farmer Don and Missus Dora were worried. How could they help Danny? Then some oatmeal cookies gave Missus Dora an idea. Danny learned a valuable lesson, and so can we. A Pleasant Valley Farm book.
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Children's Books
Picture Books
David Brainerd: A Love for the Lost
Life on the American frontier in the early 1700s was very difficult - continually threatened by disease, attack, and brutally cold winters. The English and Native Americans lived side by side, which often led to conflict. David Brainerd arose as a compassionate and fearless missionary to the various Indian tribes…
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Intermediate and Young Adult Reading
Days with Frog and Toad
Good friends like Frog and Toad enjoy spending their days together. They fly kites, celebrate Toad's birthday, and share the shivers when one of them tells a scary story. Here are five funny stories that celebrate friendship all day, every day.
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Children's Books
Picture Books
Dealing with Anger & Bitterness CD Resource Kit
Anger leads people into emotional bondage. There they live in prison cells of resentment and bitterness. Some plot revenge. Some lose hope. And some prisoners want out. There is deliverance. Dealing with Anger and Bitterness explains why people get angry and the terrible effects of unresolved anger on the angry person…
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring
Dealing with Anger Sessions
Audio CDs for the Dealing with Anger & Bitterness seminar.
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring
Dealing with Anger & Bitterness DVD Resource Kit
Anger leads people into emotional bondage. There they live in prison cells of resentment and bitterness. Some plot revenge. Some lose hope. And some prisoners want out. There is deliverance. Dealing with Anger and Bitterness explains why people get angry and the terrible effects of unresolved anger on the angry person…
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring
Dealing with Anger & Bitterness Leader's Guide
The Leader's Guide for the Dealing with Anger & Bitterness seminar. Included in the DVD and audio resource kits.
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring
Dealing with Anger & Bitterness Workbook
Workbook to accompany the Dealing with Anger & Bitterness seminar. A 20% discount will be applied in cart for orders of ten or more.
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Christian Living
Relationships & Mentoring