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A Change of Allegiance
What should a Christian do with Jesus' words "love your enemies"? Is it all right for a Christian to go to war? Doesn't a Christian have an obligation to defend his country? Dean Taylor and his wife Tania were both in the U. S. Army when they realized that, as committed…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
A Vision of Kingdom Christianity
A thorough study of Biblical brotherhood and church function. Teaches the importance of principle based structure along with loving relationships.
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Are Written Standards for the Church?
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Biology through the Eyes of Faith
Newly Revised The Council of Christian Colleges and Universities Series Stressing the biblical message of stewardship, biologist Richard T. Wright celebrates the study of God's creation and examines the interaction of the life sciences with society in medicine, genetics, and the environment. The author brings a biblical perspective to theories on origins…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Blame It on the Brain: Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances, Brain Disorders, and Disobedience
Welch, Edward T.
Have you ever been surprised at how some people have accused their brain, making it responsible for some of their bad behavior? As human problems seem to get both deeper and more widespread, people are desperate for solutions--and the quicker the better!
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
King Jesus Claims His Church-0
Many people today say, "I'm spiritual, but not religious." Such language veils a hunger for God but a distaste for the church. Even in the church, Christians are asking, "Is this what church is supposed to be?" Many Christians sense deep down that there is supposed to be something more…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Love and Nonresistance
Wounds and injustice, whether deeply painful or only annoying, stir in humans a dark urge to retaliate. Jesus Christ was an exception. And Jesus called His disciples to follow Him on a higher way. His teachings are simple, arresting, and challenging. The Teacher intended that they be taken seriously…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Yoder, John Howard
John Howard Yoder's classic book first published in 1971, includes a treatment of Jewish pacifism, bibliographies, an index, and three new appendixes: Speaking Truth to Power, Quaker Political Witness; The Spectrum of Nonpacifist Postures; and Nonviolent National Defense Alternatives. Yoder points out assumptions, strengths, and shortcomings of each pacifist position…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Second edition, updated and revised with study questions. We live in a world wracked with violence and hatred. Does that mean that every act of violence must be met with an equal or greater counterblow? Stephen Russell asserts that the biblical message calls for forgiveness and reconciliation in place of hatred, vengeance…
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Anabaptist History & Thought
Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Recalling the Hope of Glory
Few studies of worship ever attempt an inductive study of it throughout the entire Bible. Beginning with creation itself, Allen Ross uncovers the glories and beauty of worship as it is progressively revealed from its beginning in the Garden of Eden to its climax in the new creation. He shows…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Redemption Realized Through Christ
When man fell into sin in the Garden of Eden, God had a plan ready to redeem him. Because of His love for man, God sent Jesus Christ, His Son, to give His life on the cross to make grace available for all who would receive it. The grace of…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Sacrifice or Penalty
We praise God for the gracious gift of salvation that is ours through Christ. Jesus' death on the cross, a defining moment in making salvation possible, was an event of cosmic magnitude that includes elements we still do not completely understand. The Bible does give clear teaching on what Jesus did…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
The Four Loves
Lewis, C.S.
Here Lewis describes the four basic kinds of human love--affection, friendship, erotic love and the love of God. There are risks that accompany the rewards of love, the author cautions, but he recommends taking them, since hell is the only place outside heaven where we can be safe from the…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Soul of Science, The
Pearcey, Nancy R. and Thaxton…
"I consider The Soul of Science to be a most significant book which, in our scientific age, should be required reading for all thinking Christians and all practicing scientists. The authors demonstrate how the flowering of modern science depended upon the Judeo-Christian worldview of the existence of a real physical…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Three Views on Creation and Evolution
For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a 'young earth' be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity? Three…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
War, Peace, and Nonresistance
Hershberger, Guy Franklin
Guy Hershberger made a significant contribution to the development of peace theology in the (Old) Mennonite Church. Perhaps the greatest service of this book is to explain clearly the centuries-old doctrine of nonresistance as understood by Mennonites in the mid-1900s. Although nonresistance was held as a doctrine since the early days…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
When the Church Was a Family
Hellerman, Joseph H.
Spiritual formation occurs primarily in the context of community. But as the modern cultural norm of what social scientists call "radical American individualism" extends itself, many Christians grow lax in their relational accountability to the church. Faith threatens to become an "I" not "us," a "my God" not "our God"…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies