This skit is a parody of the well-loved Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry. In this story, we meet Maggie and Ty, whose family is poor. The siblings want to buy their parents something special for Christmas, but between the two of them they have only saved three dollars and fourteen cents. That is, until they decide to sell their most prized possession—the bike that they share—to have enough money to buy the perfect gift. In true O. Henry fashion, the story ends with a surprise twist. But most of all, this skit reminds us that the gift of sacrificial love is the wisest gift of all.
This story will be enjoyed both by those who know and love O. Henry’s classic tale and also by those who have never heard it before.
Age Level: Upper elementary, middle school
Length: 7 minutes
Cast: 6-19 actors (Range of cast size can be gained by dividing the narrator parts between as many as 15 actors)
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