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A Change of Allegiance
What should a Christian do with Jesus' words "love your enemies"? Is it all right for a Christian to go to war? Doesn't a Christian have an obligation to defend his country? Dean Taylor and his wife Tania were both in the U. S. Army when they realized that, as committed…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers
Interest in the ways of the early church has never been more intense. What did early Christians believe about the divinity of Christ? What were the beliefs of those who sat at the feet of Jesus disciples? Now, for the first time, a unique dictionary has been developed to allow…
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Theology & Worldviews
A Vision of Kingdom Christianity
A thorough study of Biblical brotherhood and church function. Teaches the importance of principle based structure along with loving relationships.
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
An Introduction to Christian Ethics
The purpose of this book is to indicate what is possible in Christian ethics rather than to prescribe one way that it ought to be done. The aim is not to get readers to choose one among the Christian possibilities and use it exclusively but to use this introduction as…
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Theology & Worldviews
The vibrant and persuasive arguments of C. S. Lewis brought about a shift in the discipline of apologetics, moving the conversation from the ivory tower to the public square. The resulting strain of popular apologetics--which weaves through Lewis into twentieth-century writers like Francis Schaeffer and modern apologists like William Lane…
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Theology & Worldviews
Are Written Standards for the Church?
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Becoming Human
Behr, John
This book reflects upon various dimensions and implications of the astounding fact that Christ shows us what it is to be God by the way he dies as a human being and, in so doing, simultaneously shows us what it is to be a human being. Connecting the end - "It…
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Theology & Worldviews
Beginning with God
Sire, James W.
Christianity begins with God and ends with God. It is a story for all to know and understand. In this personal and easy-to-read book, James Sire offers a basic introduction to the foundational truths held by Christians at all times and in all places. The chapters are organized around a…
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Theology & Worldviews
Bioethics: A Primer for Christians
Amid continuing advances in medical research and treatment, Gilbert Meilaender's Bioethics has long provided thoughtful guidance on many of society's most difficult moral problems - including abortion, assisted reproduction, genetic experimentation, euthanasia, and much more.
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Theology & Worldviews
Biology through the Eyes of Faith
Newly Revised The Council of Christian Colleges and Universities Series Stressing the biblical message of stewardship, biologist Richard T. Wright celebrates the study of God's creation and examines the interaction of the life sciences with society in medicine, genetics, and the environment. The author brings a biblical perspective to theories on origins…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Blame It on the Brain: Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances, Brain Disorders, and Disobedience
Welch, Edward T.
Have you ever been surprised at how some people have accused their brain, making it responsible for some of their bad behavior? As human problems seem to get both deeper and more widespread, people are desperate for solutions--and the quicker the better!
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Called to Attraction
Sammon, Brendan Thomas
What if there is more to beauty than meets the eye? What if beauty named more than the human response to a thing's appearance, but instead named the very presence of God in the world? And what if beauty provided a power enabling human beings to think in novel and…
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Theology & Worldviews
Art and Beauty
Chris Chrisman Goes to College-0
Chris Chrisman, a young Christian, goes to college only to have his world turned upside down. On campus he finds the challenges to his faith -- both intellectual and personal -- almost more than he can bear. Then he meets Bill Seipel and Bob Wong. Together, the three young men…
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Theology & Worldviews
Christian Theology
While many systematic theological texts are shaped by academic discussion of ancient thought and/or modern philosophies, Finger centers on the kerygma of the biblical text: that the "last things," or "eschatological" events expected at history's climax had already occurred through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, though they were not yet…
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Theology & Worldviews
City of God
Saint Augustine
No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than Augustine's The City of God. And since medieval Europe was the cradle of modern Western society, this work is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being. 551 pages.
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Theology & Worldviews
Saint Augustine
Confessions is an autobiographical work by Saint Augustine of Hippo, consisting of thirteen books written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity.
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Theology & Worldviews
Contemplating God with the Great Tradition
Leading theologian Craig A. Carter presents the biblical and theological foundations of trinitarian classical theism.
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Theology & Worldviews
Desiring the Kingdom
Smith, James K. A.
Philosopher James K. A. Smith reshapes the very project of Christian education in "Desiring the Kingdom." The first of three volumes that will ultimately provide a comprehensive theology of culture, "Desiring the Kingdom" focuses education around the themes of liturgy, formation, and desire. Smith's ultimate purpose is to re-vision Christian…
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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrine of Humanity
Sprinkle, Preston
A Christian perspective on the current cultural environment relating to gender, Embodied is a call to truth and love.
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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrine of Humanity
Evangelical Truth
Here is a statement from one of evangelicalism's foremost spokesmen that boldly places the trinitarian gospel at the center of faith. Here is an exquisite crystallization of essential beliefs about revelation, the cross and the work of the Spirit. Recognizing that how we live this truth is as important as…
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Theology & Worldviews
Faith, Hope, Love
Pieper, Josef
This volume, three separate books in one edition, is a collection of Josef Pieper's famous treatises on the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. Each of these treatises was originally published as a separate work over a period of thirty-seven years, and here they are brought together in…
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Theology & Worldviews
The relationship between theology and biblical studies is often marked by misunderstandings, methodological differences, and cross-discipline tension. With an irenic spirit as well as honesty about differences that remain, theologian Hans Boersma highlights five things he wishes biblical scholars knew about theology so that these disciplines might once again serve…
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Theology & Worldviews
Fool's Talk
Guinness, Os
Hearts & Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Social Criticism and Cultural Engagement In our post-Christian context, public life has become markedly more secular and private life infinitely more diverse. Yet many Christians still rely on cookie-cutter approaches to evangelism and apologetics. Most of these methods assume that people are…
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Theology & Worldviews
Foreign to Familiar
Lanier, Sarah A.
A guide to understanding hot- and cold-climate cultures
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Theology & Worldviews
Glimpses of the New Creation
Taylor, W. David O.
Every choice of art in worship opens up and closes down possibilities for the formation of our humanity. Every practice of music, every decision about language, every use of our bodies, every approach to visual media or church buildings forms our desires, shapes our imaginations, habituates our emotional instincts, and…
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Theology & Worldviews
Art and Beauty
God and the Transgender Debate
Gender issues are in the news almost every day. And they are a part of many people's lives every day, too. So at its heart, this debate isn't about a debate - it's about people. And so is this book. Andrew Walker explores what, if anything, it means to be male…
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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrine of Humanity
God in the Dock
Lewis, C.S.
God in the Dock contains forty-eight essays and twelve letters written by Lewis between 1940 and 1963. Ranging from popular newspaper pieces to learned defenses of the faith, these essays cover topics as varied as the logic of theism, good and evil, miracles, vivisection, the role of women in church…
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Theology & Worldviews
God's Undertaker
Lennox, John C.
If we are to believe many modern commentators, science has squeezed God into a corner, killed and then buried him with its all-embracing explanations. Atheism, we are told, is the only intellectually tenable position, and any attempt to reintroduce God is likely to impede the progress of science. In this…
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Theology & Worldviews
Hippias Major
Socrates and Hippias embark on a journey to find out what true beauty is.
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Theology & Worldviews
Art and Beauty
Hope in Times of Fear
Keller, Timothy
Times are difficult. Disease, death, and the loss of a vision for a shared common good have shattered the idea of a bright and better future of everyone. How can we survive this moment together? Hope.
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Theology & Worldviews
How Should We Then Live?
Schaeffer, Francis A.
Schaeffer explains his world view in terms of a divinely inspired Bible, it's truths, and why they are true. There's more, too. Even for the skeptic, this book provides an excellent background (used as supporting evidence) in Western culture, arts, philosophy, music, and architecture from the Roman Empire days until…
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Theology & Worldviews
How to Stay Christian in College
Warning: College can be hazardous to your spiritual health. When you go to college, you're leaving behind your network of support and heading to a world with different perspectives, responsibilities, and expectations. Even if you're going to a "Christian" college, there's no guarantee you won't face challenges to your faith…
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Theology & Worldviews
Imagining the Kingdom
Smith, James K. A.
How does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith's three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the…
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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrine of Humanity
In Defense of Sanity
Chesteron, G. K.
G.K. Chesterton was a master essayist. But reading his essays is not just an exercise in studying a literary form at its finest, it is an encounter with timeless truths that jump off the page as fresh as the day they were written. The only problem with Chesterton's essays is…
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Theology & Worldviews
Introducing Christian Ethics
This book was written to give a student who is new to Christian ethics the ability to address issues and methods in the field in an informed and confident way. To do that we believe a student needs three things: a sense of what Christian ethics is, what its sources…
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Theology & Worldviews
Journey Into God
Coblentz, John
Journey into God is a field guide, helping us to understand what we are seeing and experiencing as we walk through life. John does not ignore the questions, the difficulties, or the confusing aspects of coming to know God; he helps us see them as opportunities to go deeper and…
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Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
Coblentz, John
Word of God. True Vine. Son of Man. Rabbi. High Priest. King of kings. Alpha and Omega. Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We've read these names of Jesus in Scripture, but what do they mean? And what do they mean for us? This devotional study begins where John begins his…
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Christian Living
Theology & Worldviews
King Jesus Claims His Church-0
Many people today say, "I'm spiritual, but not religious." Such language veils a hunger for God but a distaste for the church. Even in the church, Christians are asking, "Is this what church is supposed to be?" Many Christians sense deep down that there is supposed to be something more…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
The Knowledge of the Holy
What is the nature of God? How can we recapture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit? This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more…
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Theology & Worldviews
Leisure, The Basis of Culture
In Leisure the Basis of Culture, Pieper destroys common misconceptions about the idea of leisure and its relation to work. Leisure is not idleness, but an attitude of the mind and a condition of the soul that fosters receptivity to both physical and spiritual realities. The author points out that sound…
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Theology & Worldviews
Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine-0
What must a person believe to be a Christian? Dorothy Sayers lays out age-old doctrines without prettying-up or watering-down. She brings them vividly to life by showing how the Bible, history, literature, and modern science fit together to make religion not only possible but necessary in our time. So whether…
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Theology & Worldviews
Love and Nonresistance
Wounds and injustice, whether deeply painful or only annoying, stir in humans a dark urge to retaliate. Jesus Christ was an exception. And Jesus called His disciples to follow Him on a higher way. His teachings are simple, arresting, and challenging. The Teacher intended that they be taken seriously…
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Theology & Worldviews
Topical Studies
Love Thy Body
Pearcey, Nancy R.
In Love Thy Body bestselling author Nancy Pearcey goes beyond politically correct slogans with a riveting exposé of the dehumanizing worldview that shapes current watershed moral issues, arguing that a holistic Christian view sustains the dignity of the body and biology. Throughout the book, Pearcy entrances readers with compassionate stories of…
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Theology & Worldviews
Doctrine of Humanity
Love Your God with All Your Mind
Drawing on biblical wisdom as well as personal experience, George helps women handle their emotions and discover inner peace that comes from focusing on what is true.
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Theology & Worldviews
Making Choices
Kreeft, Peter
This book clears a straight road through the thorny jungles of skewed modern thinking about the way to live, and does do with the easy brilliance, impish insight, and searching simplicity that have become Peter Kreeft's special trademarks.
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Theology & Worldviews
Making Sense of It All
Morris, Thomas V.
Pascal and the meaning of life
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Theology & Worldviews
Mere Christianity HC
One of the most popular introductions to Christian faith ever written, Mere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide. The legendary broadcast talks of the war years, talks in which he set out simply to "explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all…
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Theology & Worldviews
Lewis, C.S.
Lewis trains his impeccable logic on the question of miracles, setting up a philosophical framework for the proposition that supernatural events can happen in this world. Focusing on the possibility of miracles in general, Lewis builds a solid and compelling argument for the acceptance of divine intervention.
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Theology & Worldviews
Mosaic of Thought: The Power of Comprehension Strategy Instruction
Keene, Ellin and Zimmerman, Susan
Mosaic of Thought proposes a new instructional paradigm focused on in-depth instruction in the strategies used by proficient readers. The authors take us beyond the traditional classroom into literature-based, workshop-oriented classrooms. Through vivid portraits of these remarkable environments, we see how instruction looks in dynamic, literature-rich reader's workshops. As the…
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Theology & Worldviews
Music in Christian Worship
Kroeker, Charlotte
The thesis of Music in Christian Worship is that music is sung prayer, requiring faithful theology, quality music, and accessibility for parishioners. As an academic field it is interdisciplinary, requiring astute theologians, knowledgeable and competent musicians, and pastoral sensitivities for working with congregations. The book contains essays by those who have…
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Theology & Worldviews
Art and Beauty